In my late twenties I discovered jewellery making. The techniques, possibilities and tools were thrilling. After training at Schoonhoven I started creating and designing my own jewellery and taking commissions, always diving into the story of the person I was designing for. Always exploring the possibilities that lay in this beautiful craft.
I also find inspiration in teaching the craft to others. Seeing the different approaches, combinations and the effect on people of making your own jewellery is great.
I’ve had my own atelier, Sannes Edelsmederij, since 2015. Situated in a beautiful Art Deco bakery in the Sint Jacobsstraat in Leeuwarden, I make and sell my own jewellery and that of other local makers, along with a vintage collection of design glass and ceramics.
In 2019 I founded CEL, a jewellery makers’ collective in a maker- and teaching space in the old prison in the centre of Leeuwarden. In CEL I teach a variety of jewellery courses and invite fellow goldsmiths for collective expositions and collaborations.
After years of commissions, experimenting and teaching I developed my own design language in my collections. Suddenly you can find the right hue in a gemstone, or the right texture of what I aim to express in the pieces I make. All pieces are unique, all have had a journey to and through my hands. Every day I’m dreaming up new combinations and finding that spark that makes it work.